Friday, October 19, 2007

The Last Thursday Night

Tonight, I am sad. We held the very last Thursday night service at New Life Christian Center. My poor Mac is getting soaked in tears.

My church is going through transition right now. I believe that God is getting ready to unleash something amazing on us. Truthfully, this is exactly what I’ve been praying for.

Revival Cometh!!

Some would wonder then, why am I so sad tonight.

For me, church began four years ago on a Thursday night in October. We had gone to this church’s annual Hayride the previous Saturday (after much hounding from our neighbors!). It was unlike any church function I had ever been to. These people were fun to be around! We would have gone to church that Sunday, but I had to work. So it was the following Thursday when we first walked through the door at NLCC. We were greeted by Eve. She was upset because it was going to be such a ’low night’. I didn’t understand what that meant until later when a man named Jared came in. Everyone said, ” No wonder there’s nobody here, it’s Jared!” . I felt so sorry for that guy. Here he is just trying to come to church and everyone is giving him a hard time. Little did I know that he didn’t go to that church. He was a member of another congregation. God would send him to NLCC to ’fill in’ when there wasn’t going to be many people there. The New Life Christian Center sign at 80 Cude Lane lit up for the first time. My husband and I sat on the next to last row. Center section. Right side. Ronnie was sitting in front of us. Eve and Anna had talked to us the most. We mostly discussed the coming birth of Laynie. Then, the most amazing thing happened. Pastor Shane was preaching-against religion! I sat there shocked and in awe. Could this be true? He’s the Pastor, right? It was exactly what I needed to hear. It was proof that this church really had something different to offer. They had the TRUTH. Not the cold, stale, hypocrites I was used to. I couldn’t believe it.

We then began going to every service. But Thursday night was always special to me. When I was having a bad week (which was EVERY week at that time) I could look to Thursday for comfort. On Thursday, work was easier. Even if I got upset, it didn’t last long. People would ask me why I was so excited. I would answer, ”It’s Thursday!” Then I would explain that upon leaving work I would go to China Cottage to meet my husband for dinner. After that, we got to go to church. It was the highlight of my week. Sunday mornings were great-don’t get me wrong. But I can remember Pastor Shane saying there was something special for the person who actually made it to church on Thursday. For me that was definitely true. I wouldn’t have made it here otherwise.

Regular service on Thursday nights has long been gone. We had department meetings for a while. Recently, we have been doing cell groups. It’s not like service is just abruptly ending. We knew it was coming. Again, I am VERY excited about the changes we will be making. And I know that at some point in the future, we will have regular Thursday night services again. My sadness will be short lived. Years from now, I will look on these memories and smile.

Saturday is the annual NLCC Hayride! I suppose this will begin a new phase in my Christian walk.

I feel I am on the verge of rambling so, I will leave you with this thought-

I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord."
No matter what day it is!


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